The Silurian Magazines

The first Silurian magazine was published by the Boys’ Grammar School in 1950, the same year that the Old Boys’ Association was created. Publication continued up to 1971 when the Grammar School ended following the introduction of comprehensive education in Brecon High School. The magazines are an excellent source of information about school activities though the information changed over the years. For example, photos of the prefects no longer appeared after 1963. The examination results in the early years provided a useful list of pupils who sat the O-level at A-level examinations. The subjects passed no longer appeared after 1962 and from 1967 onwards there was no information on the exam results.

Also included were the results of the annual school Eisteddfod, the school athletics meeting, various sports teams, reports form universities, activities of the Old Boys’ Association, miscellaneous articles and poems. However, in later editions much detail was omitted. For example from 1967 onwards there are no details of the Eisteddfod and athletics results.

The magazines have been scanned and appear below as pdf documents, which can be downloaded using the Adobe Reader. If required the Reader can be downloaded from here.























I'm indebted to David Jones for several scanned copies of the Silurian and the suggestion that they might be placed on the website.

Contact Us & Feedback

To provide feedback on this website send an email to Michael Williams at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (REMOVE THE 'XYZ' FROM THE ADDRESS)

For general enquiries or to ask for your name to be added to the mailing list contact Tom Protheroe at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For other contact details see the last page of the current newsletter.


Site last updated: 7th February 2025




It is with profound sadness that we share the news of Dad's (Glyn's) passing. He died peacefully at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend with his family at his bedside. No words can express what he meant to us and to his wider family and friends. His loss will be felt by those who loved him and by the countless individuals and communities whose lives he enriched and often changed. Teacher, headmaster, scholar, author, bard, farmer, leader, mediator, champion for justice and Cymro i'r carn. A giant of a man but, above all else, Glyn was the most beloved husband, father and Gampa.

Bethan (Glyn's daughter)


 If anyone has suggestions for a news item please get in touch via the Contact Us page.


On this page are displayed photos of Brecon and surroundings and photos associated with Brecon Grammar School. Any readers who would like to submit photos for display should send a message with details (but not the photos) via the Contact Us page. Pointing at a thumbnail image generates a title, and selecting (clicking) a thumbnail generates a larger image with additional information.    

The first gallery shows some current committee members.


The second gallery includes photos in and around Brecon, including Penlan School.

About Us

The purpose of the Brecon Grammar Schools' Association (BGSA) is to provide a point of contact for former pupils of the Grammar School Schools. The Committee organises an annual reunion, usually on the Saturday after Easter; this is attended by members and guests. Other events attended by former pupils include the Annual Awards Evening in July at the Brecon High School and the Memorial Service at the High School on or near Armistice Day, 11th November.

There is no membership subscription. To become a member, simply contact the Secretary, Tom Protheroe, who will place you on the mailing list. Members receive an invitation to the Annual Reunion, together with a copy of the newsletter, around February each year. The only income the Association receives is in the form of donations. There is provision on the reunion booking form for the addition of a donation. Some members who are unable to attend the reunion send a donation separately.